And the works of their hands tell a story - each thread connecting us to those who came before. Kimberly Servello - Pattern Drawer and Embroideress. Saturday, March 7, 2015. The quality of my embroidery declined. The process became difficult; then tiresome. During the same period I lost someone dear to me. The embroidery became a minor issue. Wednesday, May 29, 2013.
Sunday, March 9, 2014. I am a graphic designer by trade. I love creating things on my Mac. A little bit of crochet art. Friday, February 7, 2014. near and dear to my heart. Heart x4 by CAROcreated on Etsy. Crocheted Valentine Heart Garland by ThePrairieCottage on Etsy.
Ruben Guadalupe Marquez What To Read This Weekend.
1 egg, lightly beaten. 1 Beat sugars and butter till creamy. 6 Let cool in pan for 5 minutes.
Monday, July 27, 2015. A Quick Hello to Say Goodbye. Each time with another excuse to keep me away from catching up and posting. Death in the family, loss of a job, too much work, too much stress, death of my beloved pet. Feel free to look around. I hope to return one day - probably with some other variation of .
Wednesday, April 9, 2014. Ive been slacking big time lately in the blog department. For that I am sorry. Want to know what hasnt changed during the last few weeks of blog silence? Bad Peanut. Shes still just as bad as ever. When Monika was home at the beginning of March, she decided to hashtag dailybadpeanut. Im sure glad she did. Now I have a virtual scrapbook of her badness. This is just some of her badness.
Saturday, November 1, 2014. We Can All Be A Greek Goddess.
Poniedziałek, 17 marca 2014. Będzie robótka świąteczna, jeszcze nie wiem jaka dokładnie ale plany już są. Sobota, 1 marca 2014.
In its previous life this shower curtain used to be three bed sheets,. So I can officially add this tutorial to my collection of repurposed-recycled DIY tutorials, and look as. My husband wants more color. Curtain that is big part white. It is still I who makes it! Happy and am willing.